Are you ready to be COURAGEOUS?

To be or not to be?

To be courageous means to have our hearts and our minds align by saying that God is big enough, strong enough, and worthy enough. It is a place deep within our core, a steadfast truth that God is good and He is always fighting for us. The enemy of courage is fear. We must leave behind all fear and step bravely, courageously, into all that God has called.

In 2 Samuel Joab calls out courage, even against all odds. He was surrounded both before him and behind him, but he did not retreat. Joab set in motion a plan to move regardless of his circumstances, trusting God with all he had, and believing with great courage the promises spoken. While he gave it all to God, he still saw his place to be part of the process and progress needed to take ground for the Kingdom.
The answer is ‘to be.’ To be courageous is a choice we make to stand against the enemy and to stand for the promises of God. It is our action statement against fear and the natural because we trust Him. So together we say… I AM COURAGEOUS!



Building people is building community. When we say welcome home, we create a place where people are safe, accepted, and seen. We will continue creating culture where everyone feels loved, feels free, and can find their people.


Sharing God’s love with our city is key to the heart and culture of who we are. Having our own facility allows us to create and expand opportunities in leading more people to Jesus through events outside our walls.


Putting our stake in the ground, setting physical roots in the soil of our city, pro- vides greater opportunities for us to serve, reach, and help people find life in Jesus. We will build a church that will expand what God is already doing and allow for expo- nential growth as people are set free.


What is the purpose of COURAGEOUS?

The purpose of the Courageous Campaign is to engage our entire church in giving time, money, resources, and energy to accomplish the following strategies: reaching the city, building community, and pursuing vision.

What is the financial goal of this campaign?

Our financial goal is $1.5 million, and raising this amount of money will require 100% participation from the members of our church. We trust a God who is able to do immeasurable more than we can ask or imagine.

Why are we doing this now?

The simple answer: because the mission of Jesus requires it! We have huge opportunities before us to impact our local community in greater ways by opening the doors of our new facility throughout the week to serve suffering people. Jesus calls every one of us to make his mission our way of life, which requires every person at Life Church to be trained in how to share the Gospel, how to teach others to follow Jesus, and how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. By taking hold of these opportunities now, we expect to make a bigger Kingdom impact than ever before.

When will this initiative begin and end?

The Courageous Campaign will begin June 2022 and go through June 2025.

Are my giving gifts “over and above” my normal tithe and other offerings?

Yes! They must be! Our normal operating expenses must continue to be met by your faithful support through regular tithes. These over and above gifts will allow us to accomplish the special goals of the Courageous Campaign.

When will we be asked to make our commitment?

Commitment Sunday will be Sunday June 12, 2022.

Can my gift involve stocks or other assets in addition to cash?

Absolutely. If this is the case, please email for further assistance.

What will take place on Commitment Sunday?

On Commitment Sunday, we will worship, celebrate, and pray over what God has planned for the coming years at Life Church. We will ask our entire church, 100%, to participate by committing to give financially to the Courageous Campaign. We ask that everyone submit their Courageous commitment card on this day at the end of each gathering.

Will financial commitments be made public?

We will make public and celebrate the total 3 year commitment given by the entire church. Personal financial commitments will NOT be made public or shared in any way.

Can commitments be changed if necessary?

Absolutely. We understand that life circumstances can shift our ability to give generously in negative and positive ways. If you need to change your commitment, please email

Be courageous, and let us show ourselves courageous for the benefit of our people and the cities of our God. And may the Lord do what is good in His sight.

2 Samuel 10:12 (The Amplified)